Online registration is closed for this event. If available, tickets on the day of the event may incur an additional charge.

Fluke, this month’s selection for Volumes, the MoMath book club, is not a fluke. It is an entertaining guide to the most surprising moments in our lives. Join us and special Volumes guest, Fluke author Joseph Mazur, to talk about chance and coincidence in a casual setting with coffee and cookies.

Fluke will surprise you!  You will learn, for instance, that DNA matching is not always clear evidence of guilt in court, and that meeting an acquaintance on your only trip to Disneyland may not be as unlikely as you thought.  You won’t want to miss this edition of Volumes!

October 13th, 2016 from  6:00 pm to  8:00 pm
Event Fee(s)
Attending $5.00